20 Jan 2016

You Need Others

Honestly, I would like to pursue my master degree. I always hope that the God had planned the best for everyone in each person. My ways didn’t come as luckily, there’s harshly and effort aside the plan’s God. I just realize that mine is worth able for others. I doesn’t have money, materiality, and sense to doing something. Entering my fourth grade in my college, I found from my younger semester a non-profit Organization majoring social activities in Sumbawa province. As we Known Sumbawa is the poorest, under-facilities, restrictive education and so on. The society still has lack of pure water, electric, and moreover. Therefore, they use electric from water generator or surya panel. The human resource also still underdeveloped which the teenager doesn’t have access to get Education. Look through the story of Carlo when he spent her Holiday, the child want to speak to Carlos but the child doesn’t speak in English. Then Carlos visiting the village of the child, What’s happen ? All of the children contain 120 children come there, He agree to teach English to the children and everyday Carlos taught them during 3 weeks. After that, Carlos back to Barcelona, He was a lawyer at Price Water Coopers. Few month later, he make a journey to Sumbawa again every years as volunteer. He realized that doing goodness to others and money is nothing. He put all in a hope for Sumbawa. I’m very impressed to this action and the organization name is Harapan Sumbawa. How is the great deal of Carlos life to move to Sumbawa and develop rural place that doesn’t have a lightening. As Indonesian so much big question for all, this is still our country, our relatives, same blood and else. Sometimes I regret when my college I’m not doing something with my restrictiveness and lacking access outside. We only thing a joy which without feels grief others. Our conditions was blind us, so that we don’t know the others instant we doesn’t have different ways. I so embarrassed as agent of change, this is dawned me to improve my passion in Education. Education is one of better way to change our life. Now, what should I do, my sociality was very scantiness. When I have an opportunity before pursuing my master, I want to do social activities where support my master. So there’s something that I really wrestling and hard striking in the future. I could gain my ability to others endless with my education. Last but not least, I’m not clever, rich, and insight girls, but my conditions always push me to be better and enrich knowledge with experience and sharing to others. Thanks for your Kindness for reading my story. :) My doormitory room space.


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